Blocked Drains

A blocked or slow draining pipe can be a long-lasting and inconvenient problem and an ongoing annoyance. With the likelihood that your home or business will not be able to function appropriately, a blocked drain can lead to subsequent issues.

At Submerge Plumbing and Gas, we understand the urgency of repairing a blocked drain and will respond instantly to all emergency situations to ensure your home or business is back to its normal operation quickly.

There are many common causes of blockages in drains such as:

  • Cracked, Collapsed or Misaligned Drains
  • Tree Root Invasion
  • Sanitary Napkins or Wet Wipes
  • Excessive Paper Usage
  • Fats and Grease Build Up

If a blocked drain is inconveniencing you, give us a call 24 hours, 7 days a week and one of our experienced professional plumbers will be happy to assist you.